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04 November 2021

On November 22 pv at the magnificent center of Therme Bussloo (Bloemenksweg 38, 7383 RN Voorst Gem Voorst, Netherlands), the meeting of the WM Aufguss board members will take place.

All delegates from the countries participating in the Federation will be present, Japan will be present for the first time and there will be the return of Canada after several years of absence (last participation in 2014).

The meeting will be attended by the president of AISA Paolo Dell’Omo in his dual role as representative for Italy and Auditor of Aufguss WM.

Councillor Franz Niederkofler, owner of Bergila, will also attend the meeting, both as a sponsor of Aufguss WM and of AISA.

The meeting is very important because all the positions within the association will be elected, as well as the approval of the final balance and budget, and will be decided the rules and venues of the next competitions valid for the WM Aufguss Championship 2022.

The agenda of the meeting is attached.

Agenda_Tagesordnung_MV 20211122

This article is located in: Associative Life