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Ethics Commission

In order to supervise the receipt of the Code of Ethics, its application and the possible need to sanction any conduct or situations that are in conflict with it, the AISA Statute provides for the establishment of the AISA Ethics Commission. It is composed of three members, elected by the assembly with a qualified quorum. The Commission remains in office for three years. It is not possible to be elected for more than two consecutive terms.

Below are the members of the Ethics Commission elected by the Shareholders’ Meeting of 25 June 2022 in Andalo.

For contacts: commissioneetica@aisa.it

Avv. Elena Pranio

Avv. Elena Pranio

Commissione Etica

  • law degree – University of Verona 2003
  • Enrollment in the Verona Bar
  • Lawyer expert in criminal matters
  • Member of the Board of Directors of the Veronese Criminal Chamber since 2015
Dr. Federica Pennisi

Dr. Federica Pennisi

Commissione Etica

– Public Administration official with IPR (Indemnity of Particular Responsibility) – Municipality of Bologna

– Vice-president of the District Technical Commission – Municipality of Bologna

– Educational psychologist

– Degree in Pedagogy – University of Bologna

– Master in Educational and Preventive Psychomotricity – University of Bologna

– Attendance at PhD (Research doctorate) – Psycho-pedagogical Sciences – University of Bologna

– Degree in Psychology – Psychological Sciences and Techniques – University of Padua

– Clinical-dynamic specialization in Psychology

– Jonas Milano (Scientific Director Prof. Massimo Recalcati) specialization course on the psychoanalytic clinic of new symptoms

– Jonas Milano (Scientific Director Prof. Massimo Recalcati) specialization course on the psychoanalytic clinic of contemporary childhood distress. The psychoanalyst and the child, how psychoanalysis treats in childhood

– SIPRE (Italian Society of Relationship Psychoanalysis) Milan – Advanced training course in Perinatal Psychology and “Care”

– FIN swimming instructor (Italian Swimming Federation)

-Aufgussmeisterin AISA

Avv. Enrico Villanova

Avv. Enrico Villanova

Commissione Etica