Aufguss World Championship WM 2022 | AISA
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Aufguss World Championship WM 2022


12 - 17 September 2022

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Thermen Bussloo


  • The 2022 AufgussWM World Championships took place in the new purpose built sauna at Therme Busloo in the Netherlands.

For Italy, the first three classified by category in the Italian Championship participated and precisely:

For the single:

Sarah Niederkofler
Simone Mannelli
Massimo Gelli

For the team:

Elia Beghini - Francesco Sava
Olimpia Bogdan - Matteo Garbossa
Massimo Gelli - Simone Mannelli

The event includes four qualifying days and one day for the final, with 8 singles and 8 teams for each qualifying day and 8 singles and 8 teams for the final.
The first classified by category of the qualifying days access the final, the other four through repechage of the 4 best scores between the 4 days.

Three Italian representatives qualify for the final and the Massimo Gelli - Simone Mannelli team from the Asmana center in Florence manages to climb the top step of the podium with an Aufguss ("Filippo's egg") that combines culture with spectacularity and that brings the peculiarities of the Italian genius to the world stage !!

A praise also to the excellent seventh place of the Olimpia Bogdan - Matteo Garbossa team and to the fifth place in the single for Massimo Gelli.
A mention also goes to the two guys from Aquardens Elia Beghini and Francesco Sava who finished in 14th place, as well as in 12th place for Simone Mannelli and 10th place for Sarah Niederkofler who almost qualified for the final.

This edition will also be remembered for two particular events: for the first participation of the Japan team that manages to place a tenth place in the teams and for an ex-equo first place in the singles!

This is the final podium:


1. Laura Lenders (NL)                    537.25 pt
1. Maciej Piczura (PL)                    537.25 pt
3. Sarak Matilda Ryskova (CZ)     525.50 pt


  1. Simone Mannelli & Massimo Gelli (IT)              599.00 pt
  2. Eliska  Zidek & Katerina Smidova (PL)               573.75 pt
  3. Rene Duits & Dylan Kidman & Carline Van Den Heuvel  (NL) 561.75 pt

Competition photos
1st day
2nd day
3nd day
4nd day
5nd day
6nd day
Competition videos
1st day
2nd day
3nd day
4nd day
5nd day
6nd day
Award ceremony