Fifth Aufguss Fantasy Championship 2013 | AISA
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Fifth Aufguss Fantasy Championship 2013


09 - 10 November 2013


ACQUAIN Wellness

Viale del Parco, 1

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This year the Fantasy championship changes rules and proposes an important novelty, here is an excerpt:

"... The 2013 AcquaIN Aufguss Fantasy Championship was conceived with a new and demanding formula, with the clear objective of placing the Masters of Sauna in front of a complex challenge.
Create on an assigned theme and compare yourself with other competitors who have been assigned the same theme.
A bit like the actors who have to identify with the part, with the script written by others.
In fact, we believe that the Sauna Master must be multifaceted, creative and technically valid.
The competition is therefore open to all without any limitations.
Amateurs, employees, continuous collaborators of wellness centers and / or similar and competitors of previous editions or selections of Italian or European or World Steam Throwing Championships or any other similar championship may participate. Graduates from the Aufguss Master courses held at Cron4 are also admitted to the competition.
It is also possible to throw in pairs.
In the competition there are four themes assigned at the end of the registrations, by drawing lots:
- Odyssey
- Divine Comedy
- '900
- Space
NOTE: The interpretation of the meaning of the title of the theme is left to the free inspiration of each competitor / team.
Each competitor or team, at the close of registration, will receive information on the theme assigned to him by drawing lots and which he will have to bring into the competition .... "

The score assigned by the jurors also has a different value:

"... The grade, for each aspect, will be on a score from 1 to 5 (the best score).
The weight of each aspect will not be the same, to take into account the philosophy of the competition where creativity and technique are rewarded.
The multiplicative coefficients for each aspect will therefore be:
- ability to present the casting; 0.8
- knowledge and use of essences; 0.8
- heat management and air movement; 1.4
- ventilation technique; 1.0
- originality of the interpretation ... and general consistency of the casting. 1.4
The final grade will be the sum of the averages of the scores obtained for each aspect, multiplied by their coefficient .... "

This is the startlist with the assigned themes:

1. 1.15 pm Giuliano Contini - Odyssey theme in Finnish
2. 2 pm Laura Bertoldi - space theme in biosauna
3. 3 pm Diego - theme 900 in Dutch
4. 3.45 pm Alex Bauer - divine comedy theme in biosauna
5. 4.30 pm Erica and Max - Odyssey theme in Finnish
6. 5.15 pm Paolo and Cleris - theme 900 in biosauna
7. 6.15 pm Fabrizio and Yanet - space theme in Finnish
8. 8.30 pm Francesca and Giorgia - divine comedy theme in Finnish
9. 9.15 pm Cristian and Diana - odyssey theme in biosauna
10. 10 pm Ramona and Nicola - divine comedy theme in Finnish
11. 11 pm Francesco Milanese - theme 900 in biosauna
12 midnight Luca and Nadia - space theme in Finnish

The victory goes to the talented Francesca Franco and Giorgia Priasco who bring to the stage a superb interpretation of the theme on the Divine Comedy.