International Aufguss Trophy 2012 Cron4 | AISA
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International Aufguss Trophy 2012 Cron4


In 2012 the International Aufguss Trophy, the World Championship at Cron4 in Riscone Brunico, from the 24th to the 27th of May 2012, dresses up again and proposes itself as an itinerant trophy, to be organized annually in an European wellness facility, with return to Cron4 every couple of years, for the years 2013-2014 it will be organized by Satama Berlin (GER).

The evaluation criteria and rules remained unchanged with the performance of a Classic Aufguss and an Aufguss Show.
As a real novelty, a new competition is created: the Team.
The competitors for this championship are 17 in the single and 10 teams.

This championship presents a very respectable jury:
Stefan Mayr: President of the Jury
Anna Webhofer: Aufgussmeisterin and Kneipp instructor
Dietmar Peskoller sauna manager Cron4 Riscone
Armin Oberrauch sauna manager Mardolomit Ortisei
Franz Niederkofler: expert and producer of essential oils from Bergila
Ossi Kathrein: sauna manager Cron4
Luigi Silva (Perry): moderator forum eXtravillage
Alex Mitterhofer: sports doctor Brunico Hospital
Anton Huber: psychologist Brunico Hospital
Arnold Thum: Director Cron4 Riscone

Responsabile valutazioni del pubblico: Johann Winding

Single contestants:
Italy: Nicola Fabbianelli - Enrico Ganassin - Helmut Haller - Fredy Zipperle
Germany: Farid Atai - Sascha Böner - Christoph Gasser - Sabine Rauh - Ulrike Schneider
Austria: Andreas Schobert
Belgium: Dirk Van Offel
Russia: Denis Zentchenko - Svetlana Serebrova
England: Steven Daw
Colombia: Julio Cesar Gonzales Rincon
Malaysia: Ong Lay Pang
USA: Lisa Potre Christensen

Team Competitors:
Italy: Alberto Dissegna and Enrico Ganassin - Laura Bertoldi and Nicola Fabbianelli - Nadia Franco and Renato Cazzolato - Helmut Haller and Fredy Zipperle - Herlinde Delazer and Luca Del Nero - Elisa Donà and Elisa Puddu
Germany: Janina Lindner and Sabine Quäschning
Belgium: Dirk Van Offel and Elio Wuyts
Malaysia / China: NGO Lay Pang and Chen Yong Cheng
Russia: Marat Khairow and Svetlana Serebrova Anton Kostin and Denis Zentchenko

Single results:

1. Helmuth Haller (ITA) Punti 521,4
2. Julio Cesar Gonzales Rincon (COL) Punti 490.4
3. Sabine Rauh (GER) Punti 486,2
4. Fred Zipperle (ITA) Punti 481,8
5. Nicola Fabbianelli (ITA) Punti 450,7
6. Dirk Van Offel (BEL) Punti 449,1
7. Farid Atai (GER) Punti 448,7
8. Sascha Böner  (GER) Punti 446,6
9. Ong Lay Pang (MAL) Punti 435,8
10. Enrico Ganassin (ITA) Punti 422,6
11. Lisa Potre Christensen (USA) Punti 393,4
12. Ulrike Schneider (GER) Punti 392,1
13. Christoph Gasser (ITA) Punti 337,4
14. Steven Daw (ING) Punti 302,1
15. Andreas Schobert (AUS) Punti 261,8
16. Svetlana Serebrova nessuna valutazione
16. Denis Zentchenko nessuna valutazione

 Team results:

1. Janina Lindner e Sabine Quäschning (GER) Punti 304,8
2. Herlinde Delazer e Luca Del Nero (ITA) Punti 299,2
3. Enrico Ganassin  e Alberto Dissegna (ITA) Punti 295,1
4. Dirk Van Offel e Elio Wuyts ( BEL) Punti 278,3
5. Laura Bertoldi e Nicola Fabbianelli (ITA) Punti 273,2
6. Helmut Haller e Fredy Zipperle (ITA) Punti 270,3
7. Elisa Donà e Elisa Puddu  (ITA) Punti 265,0
7. Ong Lay Pang e Chen Yong Cheng (MAL/CHI) Punti 265,0
9. Nadia Franco e Renato Cazzolato (ITA) Punti 253,3
10. Svetlana Serebrova e Denis Zentchenko (URSS) nessuna valutazione
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