Italian Aufguss Championship 2019 | AISA
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Italian Aufguss Championship 2019


17 - 19 May 2019

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(valid for qualification to the Aufguss WM World Championship)
2019, while continuing to report a decline in the quality of the Aufguss in Italy, shows some signs of recovery.
For some improves the development of themes and sets partially resume the scene, but the most advanced techniques remains to be improved that in the rest of Europe continue to grow and develop exponentially.
In 2019 the turnover continues in the generational transition that is not complete and still has a certain reluctance in many young people who are fresh out of the Aufgussmeister training courses to get in the game.
The locations of previous years are confirmed
- Centro Nuoto Rosà, Rosà (VI) - 06 - 07 April 2019 (6 singles, 4 teams)
- Cascade, Campo Tures (BZ) - 13-14 April 2019 (6 singles, 5 teams)
- Hotel Winkler, San Lorenzo di Sebato (BZ) - 04-05 May 2019 (7 singles, 4 teams)

The final takes place at Aquardens Terme in Verona on 17-19 May, with 12 singles and 10 teams (Saturday and Saturday), of which 5 singles and 5 teams enter the final of Sunday.
The event was held with an unprecedented public participation recording the "full" in all 3 days of the event.

The results were as follows:

Single Ranking

  1. Michael Miedermair - 591.500 pt
  2. Massimo Gelli - 563.600 pt
  3. Simone Mannelli - 551.200 pt

Team Ranking

  1. Giulia Toffalori - Dario Panetta - 599.200 pt
  2. Michaela Platter - Michael Miedermair - 578.000 pt
  3. Massimo Gelli - Simone Mannelli - 553.400 pt

Chara and Morgana enter the Relegation Round in Farris Bad (NO) from 29 August to 01 September 2019 in the new sauna designed ad hoc.
Matteo Garbossa enters relegation round instead of Sarah Niderkofler who gives up due to injury.
Italians win relegation and enter the WM World Championship Final at the new Thermen Centre Berendonck (NL) from 16 to 22 September 2019

Highlights 2019

Italian Aufguss Championship 2019

Italian Aufguss Championship! Day 1

Italian Aufguss Championship! Day 2

Italian Aufguss Championship! Finale!